Please use our eConsultation to contact us online for an appointment or for queries. Norton Medical Centre - Covid19 Information for information within the practice such as face masks and sick notes.
Please note we are closed Thursday afternoons between 12 noon and 2pm. For more information please see our Opening Times

Norton Medical Centre

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Types of Prescription

Acute Prescriptions

Acute medications are medications that have been issued by your GP but not added to your repeat prescription list. This could be for several reasons, for example: it is a new medication that the GP needs to monitor for a period of time to ensure that it is appropriate before adding to repeat; it is a short-term medication that should not be needed regularly; or it is a high-risk medication that the GP wants to monitor more closely, thus is not appropriate for repeat prescribing.

If you wish to order a medication that is not on your repeat list, you can put a request for this to your doctor using our usual ordering methods (which are adding a message online, service or by paper request either handed into surgery or posted to us) however as it is not on your repeat there is no guarantee the doctor will issue this medication, or within the two full working day time frame; the decision to issue the medication is at your doctor’s discretion, and he or she may not be happy to do so.

You are advised to ring the pharmacy to see if the prescription has been done and sent there or ourselves to check the response to your request after at least three full working days. We do endeavour to get your prescription to you as efficiently as possible, but safe prescribing of medication is essential.

Please note we cannot process requests for acute antibiotics, as they are needed for acute conditions that will need to be reviewed by the doctor.

Repeat Prescriptions

Repeat medication are the medications the doctor has clinically assessed as stable long-term medications, and therefore appropriate to be added to your repeat medication list; Medications on this list are available for yourself or a trusted representative to order, you will need to order your medication with enough time to ensure you do not run out.

Repeat prescription requests take three full working days to process. You are able to order medication up to a week in advance; we allow ordering up to a week early for convenience, but it should not be regularly ordered early; if you repeatedly order your medication a week prior to it being due this will cause you to have excess medication, so if we notice this is happening regularly we may post-date your prescription to the date it is due to prevent over-use and/or NHS wastage. It is your responsibility to order your medication on time, the practice does not order on anyone’s behalf.

If you are going on holiday, you can request your medication early, please see our FAQs. Please also note we ask patients not to request repeat medication during a face to face or telephone consultation appointment as your clinician only has limited time during these consultations.

Repeat Dispensing (RD) Prescriptions

Repeat dispensing is an NHS repeatable prescription; the practice will send a prescription of your repeat medication(s) with a specific amount of issues, this will allow the pharmacy you choose to issue this prescription more than once (as many times as specified).

Essentially it is the equivalent to sending multiple prescriptions to your pharmacy of choice for them to dispense at the appropriate intervals. This system is in place for long-term, stable medication so that you do not need to order it every month.

It is the GPs clinical decision that dictates what medication is appropriate for RD, if you think you may qualify and would like to go onto Repeat Dispensing, please query with the prescription team who will be able to ask the doctor for you. Acute medications like pain killers, creams, etc. are not generally put onto RD.

When the pharmacy dispense the last issue from your RD prescription they should inform you that you will need to re-order it, using any of the usual methods


Click here to order Repeat Medications online
Patient instructions for ordering repeat medication online
NMC Guide to Ordering Prescriptions Booklet
NMC Over The Counter Medication Information
Click here for more Over The Counter Medication information


BE AWARE of non-NHS repeat prescription services.
We are aware that repeat prescription services that are not legitimate NHS services are currently being advertised. Be cautious if an individual offers to pick up your prescription for you at a cost.

Any advertisement for a legitimate NHS service offering repeat prescription service will display the NHS logo and the contact details of the organisation(s) providing this. If you have any questions or concerns about a service that you have seen advertised in your local area, please check with the County Durham and Tees Valley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), please ring 01642 746909.
For more information click here

How to order Repeat Prescriptions Hospital Medications FAQs Order Online

Contact Us


Norton Medical Centre
Billingham Road
TS20 2UZ

Tel: 01642 745350

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm


Planned Closures at the Surgery

The surgery will be closed from 12 noon on Thursday 23rd January 2025 for Staff Training. You will still be able to request medication during this period via online services or order slips in post box.
Patients should contact 111 if urgent medical advice is needed.
The surgery will re-open as normal 8am on Friday 24th January.
Thank you for co-operation during this time.


The practice is closed on Thursdays between 12 noon and 2:00pm for staff training.

We are occasionally closed for training sessions, please see separate notices in the surgery and on the website for specific dates.

Closure dates can be viewed with our Opening Hours Page along with opening times.


Please use our Online Consultation Service to contact us online for an appointment or for queries by using our eConsultation link


From Monday 27th November, our eConsultation service and telephone lines will both open from 8.30am.

Please note we close eConsultations when we have reached safe capacity.

Out of Hours

When the practice is closed call 111 for medical help or visit Out of Hours


Call 999 for Health Emergencies


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