Please use our eConsultation to contact us online for an appointment or for queries. Norton Medical Centre - Covid19 Information for information within the practice such as face masks and sick notes.
Please note we are closed Thursday afternoons between 12 noon and 2pm. For more information please see our Opening Times

Norton Medical Centre

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General Information

This page is updated with our general information from our Privacy Notice, 7 Day Extended Access and Friends and Family Testing.

Please note we are closed for staff training Tuesday 1st October from 12 noon - Surgeries in Hartlepool and Stockton, including Norton Medical Centre, will be closed for Protected Learning Time (PIL). Please keep this date in mind when ordering your prescriptions as processing times may be affected. For more information please see our Opening Times

Change to Prescriptions

From the 1st of July 2023 we will require THREE WORKING DAYS to process prescription requests. This change is being made in response to the ever-increasing workload pressures on our clinicians. It is not a decision we have taken lightly but is one that we need to take in order to ensure that prescription processing is done efficiently, whist maintaining patient safety as our priority.

Welcome to Norton Medical Centre

Appointments Register as a Patient Administrative Queries Medication Queries Meet the Team An open letter to our patients from our GP Partners Covid Queries Online Services | SystmOnline

Please click/tap on the headings below to see more information.

Appointments | Capacity at Norton Medical Centre

Reports of difficulty getting through to Reception/booking an appointment at GP Surgeries have increased nationwide, including at Norton Medical Centre. Unfortunately, we do not have unlimited resources and are currently working to maximum capacity. We have a standardised letter that explains this is a national problem and we are trying to provide the best service that we canThe full letter is available online directly from this link

and available for download below. Thank you for your understanding.

Click here to DOWNLOAD our Appointment Capacity Letter

Patient Access Policy

We have a Patient Access Policy which sets out how Norton Medical Centre aims to ensure that all patients are able to fairly access timely and appropriate clinical care.

Click here to DOWNLOAD our Patient Access Policy

Petition to Support additional GP Funding

GP Practices and patients have faced an extremely challenging time during the COVID-19 pandemic. Please show your support by signing the petition calling on the Government to provide funding needed for better services, more GPs and more safe space to see patients.

The petition can be signed here: Petition to support additional GP Funding for better sevices

 GP Access Support Petition

Everyone is Welcome in General Practice - Registration

We are aware some people experience barriers when trying to register with a GP. Practices should not be turning people away who try to register without proof of ID/ address or immigration status. Everyone is welcome in general practice.

GP access cards are being distributed by local Healthwatch and voluntary organisations to vulnerable communities who are less likely to be registered with a GP. The card is accompanied with a letter with details of how to register at a Practice.

Privacy Notice

We have updated and published our Privacy Notice, this details the information that we store, use and how we keep it protected.

For further information please see our full Privacy Notice here. The Privacy Notice will open in a new page in .PDF format.

Integrated Urgent Care Service

Please see the video below for further information about the Urgent Care Services in Stockton-on-Tees.

7-Day Extended Access

Hartlepool & Stockton Health are offering 7-day access to GPs, Nurses, and Healthcare Assitants at three practices across Hartlepool and Stockton. Appointments can be booked by calling Norton Medical Centre during normal working hours.

Armed Forces veteran friendly Accredited

We are an Armed Forces veteren friendly accredited GP Practice. View further NHS health care for the Armed Forces community with links here

Military Veterans and their Families | Afghanistan

We are conscious that some patients registered with us may be affected by current events in Afghanistan. Norton Medical Centre is accredited by the Royal College of General Practitioners as one which specialises in the care of military veterans and their families. All the team have been trained in the care of military veterans and their families. If recent events have affected you and you wish to seek help, please come forward.

Vitamin D Supplements

The NHS are intending to provide free Vitamin D supplements to patients that are extremely vulnerable and considered highly at risk to COVID19. Click here to find out more information and how to register for the Vitamin D supplements.

The NHS Friends and Family Test

You can now provide feedback on your experiences at Norton Medical Centre by completing a short survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us to improve our services.

Click here to take the survey

View the latest results from the Friends and Family Test

Choose Well

General Practice is Open Information Extended Hours Information NHS Medical Data Information Domestic Abuse Information Domestic Abuse Help Information Saturday Appointment Information Don't Order Medication you Don't Need Information

Contact Us


Norton Medical Centre
Billingham Road
TS20 2UZ

Tel: 01642 745350

Monday to Friday 8:00am - 6:00pm


Planned Closures at the Surgery


The practice is closed on Thursdays between 12 noon and 2:00pm for staff training.

We are occasionally closed for training sessions, please see separate notices in the surgery and on the website for specific dates.

Closure dates can be viewed with our Opening Hours Page along with opening times.


Please use our Online Consultation Service to contact us online for an appointment or for queries by using our eConsultation link


From Monday 27th November, our eConsultation service and telephone lines will both open from 8.30am.

Please note we close eConsultations when we have reached safe capacity.

Out of Hours

When the practice is closed call 111 for medical help or visit Out of Hours


Call 999 for Health Emergencies


Facebook Page



The Partners are naturally very disappointed that concerns have been identified by CQC but are eager to address these. Our main priority is to ensure our patients continue to have access to good quality and safe medical care. Patients can be reassured that we are working closely with CQC, the ICB and the LMC, to make the identified improvements following our CQC inspection and patients should continue to access services from this practice as normal.


Out of Hours

If you need urgent medical advice between the hours of 6.30 pm – 8 am weekdays, during weekends or on Bank Holidays – please telephone 111. NHS 111 can help if you have an urgent medical problem and you’re not sure what to do. For children under 5 call 111 For people aged 5 and over go to